Why Training BJJ 3 days a week is the sweet spot for Beginners?

Why Training BJJ 3 days a week is the sweet spot for Beginners?

How often should I train BJJ as a beginner? This may be one of the most frequently asked questions by beginners in BJJ.

Practicing BJJ requires both physical and mental commitment and It is common that most beginners want to dive in with everything.  

However, by trying to do that newbies tend to overcommit to BJJ and get injured or lose the euphoria of BJJ too soon.

From that perspective finding the optimal training frequency is important and the question of how many times one should roll in a week arises.

As I have been on the journey of achieving a black-colored belt in BJJ since 2022, I have some sort of understanding of how to balance my training frequency with my goals and physical condition.

So, here are my thoughts on why, as a beginner, you should aim to train at least three times a week and how this can benefit your BJJ journey. 

Training BJJ 3 days a week: Why it is the sweet spot for Beginners?

As a beginner, you can practice BJJ a minimum of once per week up to seven days a week. And if you are badly in love with Brazilian jiu-jitsu, you can opt for training twice per day.

In such a varied spectrum, why i am insisting on a specific number and claiming this is the sweet spot for you?

In short, I have four specific reasons for claiming that 3 days a week is the best training frequency for a newcomer in BJJ. The reasons are: 

  • Recreation vs Competition: Set Your Goal
  • Time spent on the Mat = Results
  • Problems with less than 3 times a week
  • Challenges like Age, Body Type, and Lifestyle

Recreation vs Competition: Set Your Goal

Why did you join BJJ? I usually get three categories of answers when I ask this question to any new guy in my gym.

  • I am here for recreational purposes
  • I am here for Serious BJJ training and competitions
  • I haven’t decided yet

Recreational BJJ: Some guys are drawn to BJJ for fitness, flexibility, and fun. Influenced by Instagram celebrities, movie stars, or their colleagues who are in shape and look energetic in the office thanks to BJJ training, the main focus of these folks is recreation.

Many believe that people who join BJJ for recreational reasons can be flexible about how many times a week they can practice.

Search the internet and see many BJJ guru argues that for these types of folks, training once a week is good, twice is great, and more than that is a plus.

I don’t agree with this narrative, Because training once or twice a week will not bring you any results in terms of body conditioning and technical advancement. 

For instance, You have joined BJJ to lose weight and this is the only physical activity you are currently doing. It is likely that training once or twice a week will not help you with your cause.

Because losing weight demands consistently pushing yourself and doing once-a-week BJJ practice will not be that much of a push irrespective of your age, weight, or gender.

Practicing 3 times a week will give you a perfect balance of physical exercise and recovery. This is why no matter what your goal is, this should be your go-to number.

Competitive BJJ: If your goal includes competing, locally or internationally, you’ll need the foundational base of Muscle memory, physical conditioning, and competitive mentality.

For this to be built 3 times a week give you the balance of grueling training and recovery time. For at least three months See how your body reacts and then increase the time of practice.

Undecided BJJ enthusiasts: If you are unsure about your goal, it’s perfectly fine! Many of us start BJJ without a clear goal. 

When I joined, I didn’t know if I’d be interested in competitions, but training three times a week helped me develop the skills and stamina to decide later.

As I spent more time in the gym, I bonded with other students, and shared our thoughts and eventually this helped me to find my goal as a BJJ practitioner.   

Time spent on the Mat = Results

How many times should I train bjj in a week?

In BJJ, no matter what your goal is, the result you get will be decided by the time you spend on the mat. If your goal, for example, is to become a skillful BJJ player, you need to spend time on the mat.

Over the year, I saw many sign up for BJJ for self-defense or getting fit. How can you defend yourself in a street fight if you practice only once or twice a week?

For example, your coach taught you about the guillotine choke and you understood the technique.

Now if you are doing one class per week, and if you come back to the gym next week, will you be able to perform that choke on your opponent? Most certainly not!

The more time you spend on the mat, the easier it will get to understand the game and ultimately, yourself. BJJ, as a sport, doesn’t only build your muscles and explosive energy, it also enhances your mental awareness about what your opponent is doing.

Rolling once or twice a week can build both physical ability and mental awareness but it will take longer. Three times a week on the mat should be your starting point if you want to grow consistently as a BJJ player, irrespective of your goal.

Do you know, Gordon Ryan Used to practice 4-5 times a day every day in a week

Problems with less than 3 times a week

Why it is problematic to practice less than 3 time times a week? There are lots of BJJ gurus who will tell you that it’s completely fine if you do it once or twice a week of BJJ.

The reason why I disagree with such a narrative is:

Practicing 1 time a week: Think of your BJJ skill set as a sword, The more you sharpen it the better it will perform. If you practice once a week, you are not sharing your sword, it is more like every week you are just using that sword so that it doesn’t get rusty.

Rolling once a week will take forever to make your muscles memorize what to do when you are in distress ( Competition, street fight, or sparring). Even if you are doing BJJ for shading weight, this amount of physical activity will not be enough.

Practicing 2 times a week: This means you are giving your sword a bit of sharpening, But because of the frequency, The sword will be just enough sharp to perform daily tasks.

Will you see improvement? Maybe, but it will take lots of time.

Practicing 3 times a week will sharpen your skill, improve your muscle memory, and most importantly your body conditioning. This body conditioning will assist you in the long run.

If you aim to be fit and in shape, practicing 3 times will give you the necessary amount of cardio, weight training, and motor movement. If you are willing to compete in tournaments, this will create a base for your future rigorous training

Challenges like Age, Body Type, and Lifestyle:

I know maintaining three times practice in a week needs commitment and lots of hard work.  You may be balancing a full-time job, studying, or dealing with a long commute to the gym.

Or perhaps you started later in life, and your age or physical condition makes frequent BJJ training a considerable challenge.

These situations are real, But doing BJJ half-heartedly will not serve your purpose properly, whether it is your recreational need or your aim for competitive need. 

When you are sparring or in a match, your opponent is mounted over you and trying to choke you.

At first, you might get scared because you have never felt such pressure over your body and your every instinct will tell you to tap.

But with time you need to sustain this pressure and try to make a counter move. It is all about adapting and growing. This is also true for how many times you should go to a BJJ gym. 

It is clear that practicing 1 or 2 times a week will not do any great for your BJJ journey.

Your challenge is to adapt to this situation and try to find time so that you can roll at least 3 times a week.

Final Thoughts: Finding the Balance in Your BJJ Journey

For newcomers, training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu three days a week gives the perfect balance between skill-building, recovery, and game development. 

Whether you have signed up for fitness, self-defense, or winning gold medals in IBJJF tournaments, committing to this frequency will lay a strong base for both physical conditioning and mental sharpness.

Over time, you’ll build the resilience, muscle memory, and confidence to truly enjoy the journey.

So, get on the mat as frequently as you can, stay committed, and watch your BJJ skills take shape!


I Do BJJ training 1 day or 2 days per week. How can I improve?

If you’re only training BJJ once or twice a week, try to practice more in one session. For example, Some gym offers sessions which is 2 hours long or more. Try to do more practice. Also try practicing basic moves at home, staying fit with cardio and strength exercises.

Is it ok if I train BJJ every day?

Training BJJ every day is of course possible, but it’s important to listen to your body to avoid burnout or injury. For beginners, training 3-4 times a week with rest days in between is optimal. As you build endurance, you can gradually increase frequency, but daily training is best suited for advanced practitioners.

Is BJJ 5 times a week too much?

Training BJJ five times a week can be intense, especially for beginners. While it can accelerate BJJ skill development, this frequency also increases the risk of burnout or injury if recovery isn’t prioritized. 

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